Friday, August 28, 2009

The horror (Heart of Darkness)

"The horror, the horror." (183)

Conrad uses this quote to symbolize a couple of different things. It shows that Kurtz may have realized that he still had some religion, and believed that he was going to hell. Another way to look at this quote, is to say that Kurtz had finally come to terms with his life. Now in the hands of death, he was able to realize all of the awful and horrible things he had done.

Heads on Stakes (Heart of Darkness)

"Curious this feeling that came over me that such details would be more intolerable than those heads drying on the stakes under Mr. Kurtz's window." (153)

Is Marlow under Kurtz's spell when he tells us that the heads on the stakes are no big deal? Perhaps, but after all the brutal and disbursing things along his journey, Marlow tries to channel it out through humour. Conrad puts in these heads to represent Kurtz's lack of being a civil being. He has been away from civilization for so long that he has forgotten what it is like and transformed more into an animal.

Manager (Heart of Darkness)

"The manager stood by the wheel murmuring confidentially about the necessity of getting well away down the river before the dark events. . ." (142)

The manager is a representation of the Europeans. Conrad makes his main focus managing to stay healthy, instead of trying to be smart and witty. However beyond that his main focus was to gain Ivory.

Kurtz is a God (Heart of Darkness)

"'My Intended, my ivory, my station, my river, my----' everything belonged to him." (137)

Up to the time of Marlow and his crew's arrival to the Inner station, it is all he can do to not think or speak about Kurtz. Kurtz is somewhat of a god-like symbol in Heart of Darkness. Conrad has Kurtz bring negative emotions to people such as greed (from the Ivory). However, he is so respected by all sorts of people that he has a power like no other.

Cannibalism (Heart of Darkness)

"One of my hungry and forbearing friends was sounding in the bows just below me." (129)

In Heart of Darkness Conrad refers to Marlow's crew being made up of mostly cannibals. However, throughout the whole story, true cannibalism never takes place. The members of the crew were cannibals however in a totally different aspect. Serving more as a metaphor, the crew members are cannibals in the way that they overstep their limits of another human being. This would represent the Europeans overstepping their boundaries towards the natives.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

"Morituri te salutant" (Heart of Darkness)

"Morituri te salutant." (76)

This latin phrase can be translated into: "those who are about to die salute you". Conrad has this spooky quote foreshadow all the death that is about to take place on the journey.

"Ave Caesar morituri te salutant -." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 14 Sept. 2009.

Women (Heart of Darkness)

"It's queer how out of touch with truth women are." (78)

Heart of Darkness is a story that is made up of men. However, although women are not really mentioned throughout the novel, the still play a role. For example, if it was not for his Aunt, Marlow may not have ever gotten a job like he received, or not nearly as quickly. Then there are the women knitting black wool. Conrad has them symbolize the journey of life and death. They know more about any individual then the individual may know about themselves. These women are extremely powerful and should be respected by Marlow.