Thursday, August 27, 2009

Women (Heart of Darkness)

"It's queer how out of touch with truth women are." (78)

Heart of Darkness is a story that is made up of men. However, although women are not really mentioned throughout the novel, the still play a role. For example, if it was not for his Aunt, Marlow may not have ever gotten a job like he received, or not nearly as quickly. Then there are the women knitting black wool. Conrad has them symbolize the journey of life and death. They know more about any individual then the individual may know about themselves. These women are extremely powerful and should be respected by Marlow.

1 comment:

  1. there are a lot of interesting things in this post -- I wonder if they are completely expressed or if there is a list of ideas here -- what do you mean by the life and death idea? and that line about knowing more than the indvidual may know themselves? what is the significance of having such an apparent contradiction between Marlow's comment and reality?
